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The Healthcare Hub introduces a new approach to healthcare accessibility, aiming to enhance local communities’ access to essential healthcare services and medically approved products by consolidating them under one convenient location.

Combining a state-of-the-art clinical facility with a contemporary retail environment, The Healthcare Hub is staffed with trained in-house Healthcare Assistants dedicated to providing unparalleled customer care.

The Healthcare Hub recognised the importance of having a digital presence in order to promote the service offering and drive bookings.

Macbook Mockup
Mobile Mockup Healthcare Hub

The Challenge

At the outset of the project, one of the primary objectives was to integrate the website with Cliniko, a sector-specific CRM utilised by The Healthcare Hub for managing bookings and payments. Ensuring seamless communication between the website and Cliniko was crucial to streamline the booking process and enhance the overall user experience. This integration required meticulous planning and coordination to synchronise data accurately, maintain data integrity, and facilitate real-time updates between the website and Cliniko platform.

Additionally, The Healthcare Hub has an internal design team, therefore we were tasked with liaising with them to help shape the design concepts from a technical and user experience perspective, before, taking a lead in the development phase. While their expertise in design offered valuable insights, aligning their vision with the project requirements and technical feasibility posed a number of considerations. Balancing design aesthetics with functional requirements and user experience principles required effective communication and collaboration to achieve a cohesive and user-friendly website that meets the needs and expectations of both The Healthcare Hub and its clientele.

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Healthcare Hub Macbook Mockup
Healthcare Hub Office

The Solution

The website for The Healthcare Hub addressed the unique challenges head-on, resulting in a scalable and effective digital platform. Key to this solution was the seamless integration with Cliniko, the sector-specific CRM utilised for managing bookings and payments. Through meticulous planning and technical expertise, we ensured smooth communication between the website and Cliniko, enabling streamlined booking processes and real-time updates for enhanced user convenience and operational efficiency.

In addition, we collaborated closely with The Healthcare Hub’s internal design team to translate their vision into a bespoke website template. Leveraging their designs as a foundation, we crafted a visually unique and intuitive website that reflects The Healthcare Hub’s brand identity while prioritising user experience and booking functionality. Furthermore, the website is built on WordPress, empowering The Healthcare Hub with full control over day-to-day management and content updates. With a responsive and accessible design, the website ensures optimal performance across various devices and accessibility needs, providing an inclusive and seamless browsing experience for all users.

What’s next

Since launching the website, some of the key results have included:

  • Increasing Sessions by 63.66%
  • Increasing Engagement rate by 8.72%
  • Increasing Tracked Events by 70.02%
  • Increasing Bookings by 250%.

We continue to support The Healthcare Hub, and the wider group of Orthotix, as they continually develop the website based on user-feedback, trends, and data.

The website undergoes regular updates, introducing new features aimed at enhancing the website’s functionality and user experience. Stay tuned for these updates!

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