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The new digital education platform aims to teach primary school children maths in a completely new and engaging way that will make learning fun, targeting schools while also giving options for parents with young children as well as private tutors.

Owner and founder Ben has a long and successful career in the education industry, including being part of the team behind Big Maths, which many parents will recognise. After going it alone, he came up with the idea for Winning With Numbers, a platform targeted at schools using the national curriculum to ensure that each level correlates with what is being taught in the classroom.

A logo with three circles on a purple background. The first two circles are white with the letter "W" inside them, and the third circle is yellow with the letter "N" inside it.
A laptop displaying a login screen with fields for email and password, and buttons for "Sign In" and "Forgot Password?".
A laptop with a silver casing displaying a productivity dashboard on its screen, featuring graphs, charts, and lists against a white background.

The Challenge

The challenge presented by Winning With Numbers (WWN) was inherently unique. WWN envisioned the development of an educational web application that would serve as a comprehensive platform for primary school children, providing a robust maths curriculum to their teachers, department heads, and parents to enhance their learning experiences. This ambitious goal required not only the technical expertise to build a robust and user-friendly EdTech platform, but also the educational understanding to ensure its efficacy in school settings.

Furthermore, as a unique concept in the realm of Maths EdTech, there were no existing precedents or industry standards to refer to during the development process. This meant that our team had to approach the project with a fresh perspective, innovating, and problem-solving along the way to meet the client’s vision – which is right up our street!

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A smartphone displays a progress-tracking app with a purple color scheme, showing a circular progress bar indicating a score of 138. The app has tabs labeled Goals, History, and Reminders.
Students sitting in a classroom with one raising their hand, a map on the wall, and a person standing at the front.
A smartphone displaying a math app with a multiplication problem "6 x 78 =" and answer options "420" and "48". The correct answer, "48", is highlighted.

The Solution

Before starting the EdTech platform and brochure website, Winning With Numbers needed a brand and branding assets that would speak to their target audience and give consistency through the project and marketing. This included creating:

  • A Logo
  • Colour Palette
  • Iconography
  • A Digital Mascot
  • Branding Guidelines

To create this platform our team decided that the best solution was to build it on the Symfony-based open source CMS, Sulu, with Vue.js used for the frontend. This was due to the fact that these frameworks allowed us to develop a platform with complex logic and integrations, without limiting the possibilities, and that allows for significant scale in the future. For the brochure website, on the other hand, we used WordPress as it enables our team to create an engaging website that can be managed day-to-day by the WWN team.

It was important to ensure that the platform reflected the new curriculum as well as giving teachers the features they need to track the progress of each individual pupil, view their results and track class/year group progress. There are 300 steps, known as ‘wins’, for children to take part in. These ‘wins’ are a mix of practice and test questions and are fast-paced, immersive and interactive, meaning that it feels more like a challenging game rather than traditional learning. At the same time, teachers can see where students may be struggling or need further support, allowing them to plug the knowledge gap before going back to complete the ‘win’.

In addition to teachers being able to view the progress of their learners, set targets and timers based on the child’s ability and needs. They can also give this view to heads of departments so that overall strategy can be reviewed as well as a class by class performance. Parents and private tutors can also be given access to know what should be worked on at home and support children outside of school.

Due to the completely new and unique syllabus element, the digital platform had to be truly bespoke with excellent communication throughout between our team and Ben so that not only did we get his vision right but the platform aligned with educational goals.

This project has taken over a year, with our team dedicating thousands of hours all the way from scope through to design, creation and testing, so we’re pleased to be launching this disruptive education platform to the market.

What’s next

We continue to support WWN via one of our website support plans as they continually develop the website and web application based on user-feedback, trends, and data.

The website and web application undergo regular updates, introducing new features aimed at enhancing the platform’s functionality and user experience. Stay tuned for these updates!

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