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A seamless transition that empowers the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) with enhanced data insights and future-proof analytics capabilities.

The WRU approached us, understanding our experience within the Sport sector, with the aim of navigating the complexities of migrating from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

A rugby ball with the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) logo rests on a grassy field.
Rugby players from two teams engage in a tackle during a match. One player in a red jersey is being tackled by two players in white jerseys while another player in red observes the action.
A crowded stadium with a rugby field, players, and officials as flames shoot up from the sidelines. Spectators fill the stands under an illuminated roof.

The Challenge

Undertaking the GA4 migration project for the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) presented an exciting challenge. The existing structure of Universal Analytics (UA) accounts within the WRU’s digital ecosystem was intricate and diverse, requiring a thorough audit to understand the full scope of tracking events and configurations.

However, the project extended beyond simply migrating accounts; we needed to ensure a seamless transition to GA4 while preserving the integrity of tracking events critical to the WRU’s analytics set up.

Additionally, with Google’s impending deprecation of UA, we faced the urgent need to store the WRU’s historical data before it became inaccessible, adding a time-sensitive dimension to the project.

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The Solution

In formulating our plan for the GA4 migration, we meticulously mapped out each UA account’s tracking events and dependencies, laying the groundwork for a smooth transition to GA4. Leveraging our expertise in Google Analytics, we implemented strategies to retain the existing tracking infrastructure wherever possible, minimising disruptions to the WRU’s data collection processes.

We also implemented measures to archive historical UA data securely, ensuring continuity in the WRU’s analytics insights while future-proofing their tracking capabilities for the GA4 era. This allows WRU to continue to compare year on year (YoY) data moving forward.

This dual focus on preserving data continuity and integrating with GA4 across the digital estate formed the cornerstone of our approach to addressing the challenges posed by the GA4 migration project.

What’s next

Moving forward, our partnership will extend beyond the migration project as we monitor the data gathered in GA4, ensuring that all tracking events across the WRU’s digital assets are firing accurately and in-line with historical data.

We will continue to review the data in order to extract actionable insights and make data-driven decisions. Leveraging the power of data, we can continue to propel the WRU towards continued success in the dynamic realm of digital sports engagement.

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