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A nighttime cityscape with light trails from moving vehicles, tall buildings with lit windows in the background, and a clear, dark sky.

During this unprecedented time many of our project timelines and milestones have shifted and as a result of this, we, as an agency have to be reactive and flexible to our client’s needs. In order to best serve our clients, we are committed to re-evaluating our approach, rescheduling where necessary and tackling each project with as much flexibility as possible throughout this unchartered time.

We recently completed a project for our wonderful client; Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. We revamped their portal with a particular focus on online learning. We understood the urgency to allow students to access study materials online, so with this in mind we made it our mission to facilitate this ahead of the original schedule.

We did this via:

  • Working in an agile environment
  • Making this project an individual’s sole focus.

Our team has worked incredibly hard through the disruptive nature of the current climate, and continue to work their usual pace from their homes. Their ability to be flexible and to welcome an agile working environment is excellent.

We work closely with our clients to regularly review our work, understand their priorities (which in this case meant they needed access to the CMS ahead of the rest of the site) and through daily ‘scrum’ style project catch-ups we highlight any potential delays to development.

By making this project an individuals sole focus, this meant the team member took ownership and was the driving force behind completion. This dedicated time is so important for an excellent standard of coding because the concentration required is massive. Although the team member was the project owner, through our daily catch ups support from the additional team was available if required.

Through this project, we are enabling students to continue their studies with Welsh language materials during the isolation period. Something we are very proud of which also BBC Wales reported on.

If you’d like to check out the completed project click here.

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