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Landing pages are an excellent way to communicate something new and exciting to your customers and clients while also being integral to the way we can collect GDPR compliant data and leads – but what do you need to do to make sure that they’re actually interesting for the customer or client you’re trying to talk to?

We’ve created our fair share of landing pages over the years and wanted to share with you six things to remember when you’re looking to create one; read on to learn our secrets.

1 – Give people a reason to be invested

There are millions of landing pages on the web – why should someone pick yours? One of the most important elements here is knowing who you want to connect with, why you want to connect with them and what you can offer. Your business has unique selling points – make sure these come across in your positioning and copy.

Are you able to offer an incentive? If so, make sure it’s something that they would want/be interested in based on the demographics of that group. Get to the point with the benefits and how they will benefit this specific group of people and make sure that it’s easy to understand.

2 – Remember the human element

People buy from people, it’s simple, but it’s true. By making your content and imagery relatable and human, you’ll see better results. No one wants to feel as if they’re just being sold to. Ensure that your language speaks to them on a human level, without jargon for the sake of jargon or a lot of exaggeration – people will see straight through it.

A good test is to look at your landing page and think, ‘would this work for me?’. You might not be the target audience specifically but use your own experiences to complement your landing page’s language, images, and overall tone.

3 – Let them be curious 

You want people to be interested in what you’re offering…but that doesn’t mean you have to give everything away. Giving them an insight into your offering but withholding the details until you get them to sign up will see more conversions on your page. Don’t forget, people want to be drawn in, they are naturally curious.

But how can you actually do this? Consider using stats, before and after situations and don’t forget that all-important human element in your copy and positioning.

4 – Make sure it’s accessible

Did you know that around 55% of website traffic comes from a mobile device globally? With that in mind, you can assume that at least half of your incoming traffic will be from a smartphone or tablet – you may even be reading this blog on your phone right now!

We all know that there’s nothing more annoying than a website that isn’t optimised for mobile, and we’re much more likely to switch to one that is or say that we’ll come back later when we’re online-only to forget once we’re behind our keyboard.

Also, don’t forget to check the speed of your site. Waiting for a site to load is frustrating and can often lead to people giving up and looking at something else. You can do simple things to combat this problem, such as fixing broken links, using cache plugins, reducing the number of animations on a page, etc.

Ensuring that your landing page is responsive and loads quickly will mean that people can focus on what you’re saying rather than zooming in and out or continuously scrolling.

5 – Create a CTA that they can’t refuse

A solid call to action can be the difference between someone giving you their details and closing the page. When writing your CTA, don’t forget to give it some energy. What do you want them to do? Be clear and make it easy for them to follow the instructions they need to. That said, you can still add some personality here.

If you have three steps they need to take, for example, you can include text such as ‘first things first’, ‘next up’ and ‘last but not least.’ These may be small changes, but they’re making your business more human.

Also, make sure to test the page before you go live to make sure that all links work on different browsers. You don’t want to make a great page, only for the sign-up link to be broken!

6 – Don’t forget about them!

You’ve got people to your landing page, they like what they see, and they have given you their details. Job done, right? Not really. This is only the start – by trusting you with their details, customers expect some kind of communication or benefit.

The minimum you need to add is a thank-you page, and don’t forget to make sure that this is in keeping with the tone of the rest of the page. You can follow this up with a welcome email and possibly a discount to further reach out. Or why not consider a retargeting campaign to keep your brand top of mind?

Want to create a landing page that drives conversions? Get in touch with our team for a cuppa (virtual or otherwise).

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