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Illustration of a golden trophy and a soccer ball set against a vibrant background with blue, yellow, and red colors and star accents, capturing the excitement of World Cup 2018 highlights.

World Cup fever has officially caught the imagination of WebBox — a wall chart is taking pride of place on our whiteboard, a sweepstake has taken place (complete with cash reward and replica trophy for the winner) and a fantasy football league has been created.

To celebrate and commemorate this 4 yearly event of so much joy and bemusement for the non-supporters (yes, they do exist) we thought we’d take some time to share some of the highlights associated of the tournament.

FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 emblem

The emblem, nicknamed ‘Spaceball’ was first introduced through a countdown from Russia’s International Space Station and a projection mapping show on the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.

FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 emblem

The shape of the Official Emblem of Russia 2018 takes on the universally recognisable outline of the World Cup Trophy, while the bold use of red, gold, black and blue in the emblem’s colour palette was inspired by centuries-old techniques seen in world-renowned Russian art dating back to the earliest icon paintings.

The magic ball at the top of the emblem puts the world’s love of football into the spotlight. And the components of the emblem taken together blend unique attributes of the World Cup and of Russia as the host nation. It unites magic and dreams, as the competition will do for millions of fans in 2018.

Collage: Logo examples

Logos by their nature are subjective and it has been open to its critics with comparisons to a Powerpuff girl and Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’ painting. However, for us, we like it, as there is a distinct tie-in with the identity of the tournament organisers, Russia. You can see this through the Cyrillic typography, the strong use of the colour red (Red Square, Communism) and the decorative detail of the trophy, reminiscent of the iconic, Fabergé egg.

Fenner Paper World Cup 2018 wallchart

Another highlight this World Cup was a beautiful typographic A1 wallchart we received from Fenner Paper, which is currently being proudly displayed on our whiteboard. The design was created by David Coates, a member of the ISTD board (International Society of Typographic Designers) and was produced in two colours, printed on Shiro Alga Carta 90gsm from Italian paper manufacturer Favini.

World Cup Wallchart

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